


The work of helping others was born when a young woman of Salvadoran origin named Roberta died of cancer, leaving her three girls and her young husband. I was also going through an unfortunate stage, finishing my breast cancer treatment. I began to see the need to create a support group for women cancer patients who spoke the same language (Spanish) as me.






We aimed to provide mutual social and emotional support. We started the group in my living room, sharing food and discussing our issues. I assured Roberta that she would be able to assist our fellow sisters who were in similar situations. Thus, on December 18, 2010, just ten days after Roberta's passing, we began our mission to help those facing unfortunate circumstances by providing them with love and hope.


Our Goals


Increase Early Detection

Annually, assist at least 350 women with accessing mammograms and provide navigation support through the healthcare system, aiming to increase early detection rates within the immigrant community significantly.


Empower Through Education

Conduct at least 100 educational talks in Spanish each year, reaching a minimum of 350 women with clear and easy-to-understand information on breast cancer prevention and women’s well-being.


Cultivate a Supportive Community

Participate in at least wellness events  that promote self-care, self-love, and social connections, fostering a sense of belonging among the women who participate in our programs.


We help save lives by providing free mammograms and assisting immigrant women in navigating the healthcare system, accessing medical care, and finding available support resources. Additionally, we offer educational opportunities to promote breast cancer prevention and women's well-being. Our goal is to overcome access, language, and knowledge barriers that may prevent these women from receiving timely and adequate healthcare.


The Betty Breast Cancer Foundation team is dedicated to working with love, hope, and altruism by 2025. Our goal is to provide immigrant women with access to educational services and free mammograms to prevent and detect breast cancer in its early stages. We aim to protect these women's lives, health, well-being, and families.


Attend our Spanish talks on personal care, women's well-being, and breast cancer prevention, paired with clear brochures for practical prevention strategies.


We connect you to compassionate support services, advocate for essential women's health services, and collaborate to build stronger support programs empowering women in our community.

Support Network

Join our Breast Cancer Survivor Support Group, receive needs-based assistance, and access medical navigation services to guide you through the healthcare system after your mammogram results.

Early Detection

Access mammography services conveniently at locations within the immigrant community, including consulates, schools, churches, and health fairs.


Betty Rodríguez is a breast cancer survivor and the Founder, Director, and CEO of Betty’s Breast Cancer Foundation Corporation

Betty heads a breast cancer foundation but still dedicates her life to volunteering with the most vulnerable communities in New York. She promotes breast cancer education and prevention by running trucks that offer street mammograms utterly free of charge. Studies show that early detection saves lives, and since one in eight women is diagnosed with breast cancer, Betty’s efforts are incredibly important.


Betty has received a degree in food preservation and is a pastry chef by profession. Also, Betty has a passion for poetry and has published a book dedicated to 


Betty was born on October 22 in Bogotá, Colombia. She has married Samuel D. Cárdenas for 38 years and is the proud mother of three children: Juan, Brayan, and David. Betty is also blessed with five wonderful grandchildren: Santiago, Julián, Qiqi, Lorette, and Camila. Her grandchildren are her life and her new dawn.


Betty Rodrigez


Estefany Garay


Andrea Ortiz


Mercy Layton


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